Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
This group was organized to heighten community awareness of the dangers of Satanism and other cult / occult practices to the adults, children and adolescents of our Mat-Su Valley and beyond. Y.E.S. has an information help line to answer any questions about these topics. We are maintaining a referral network of churches and individuals who make themselves available to counsel and share personal testimony to those in need. Many of our referrals are presently working in the field of mental health and social work.
Our members encourage one another to fight the spiritual battle by
faith, through individual and group Bible study, prayer and discipleship training with the goal of living a strong and witnessing life of faith and obedience to the teaching and model of Christian life provided in the Bible by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Accomplishments, Goals and Plans:
Since 1990 Y.E.S. has operated a booth at the Alaska State Fair that communicated by means of books, t-shirts, and music and personally witnessed to those at the fair. We help to provide a means to evangelize to our Christian youth.
We have sponsored prayer groups in our local High Schools. These meetings were facilitated by adult members of Y.E.S.
We are currently attempting to fund this outreach as the cost of renting space has gone up.
Y.E.S. For Christ also sponsors Prayer Against the Adversary,
on October 31 at our local mall. Y.E.S. strongly encourages it's members to support and be active in their own Church programs, and in no way seeks to lead any of our members to leave one Church for another or to join any particular
Y.E.S.' primary goals are to be a resource of information on all aspects of cult awareness as well as provide counseling referrals to anyone who may seek them. We conduct bi-weekly Bible study, prayer and fellowship meetings. Y.E.S. is always looking for new ways to become more effective in our community as well as our ministry. We invite your involvement, prayers and support in our efforts.